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Jaya Nagara. Second Emperor of Majapahit.

Jaya nagara/Kala Gemet (born: 1294 - died: 1328) was the second emperor of the Majapahit empire who ruled in 1309-1328, with the abhiseka title of Sri Maharaja Wiralandagopala Sri Sundarapandya Dewa Adhiswara. Jayanagara's reign is known as a turbulent period in the early history of the Majapahit empire. According to the Pararaton book, he himself died after being killed by Ra Tanca, his court physician. Prabu Jayanegara was enshrined at the Bajang Ratu Temple in Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java. 

According to Pararaton, Jayanagara's real name was Kalagemet, the son of Wijaya and Dara Petak. His mother came from the Dharmasraya Kingdom on the island of Sumatra. He was brought by Kebo Anabrang to Java ten days after the expulsion of the Mongol troops by the Majapahit side.  Wijaya, who previously had two wives, daughters of Kertanagara, then made Dara Petak his Tinuheng Pura wife, or "the elder wife in the palace".

According to Pararaton, the expulsion of the Mongol troops and the establishment of the Majapahit Kingdom occurred in 1294. Meanwhile, according to the Chinese chronicle of the Yuan dynasty, the troops led by Ike Mese left Java on April 24, 1293. The Nagarakretagama manuscript also mentions the year 1293. So, if the news above is combined, the arrival of Kebo Anabrang and Dara Petak can be estimated to have occurred on May 4, 1293, and the birth of Jayanagara occurred in 1294.

The name Dara Petak is not found in Nagarakretagama and the inscriptions left by Majapahit. According to Nagarakretagama, Wijaya married not only two, but four Kertanagara daughters, namely Tribhuwaneswari, Narendraduhita, Jayendradewi, and Gayatri.  Meanwhile, Jayanagara was born from a wife named Indreswari. This raises the suspicion that Indreswari is another name for Dara Petak.

Raja Muda
Nagarakretagama mentions that Jayanagara was appointed as yuwaraja or viceroy in Kadiri or Daha in 1295. Jayanagara's name also appears in the Penanggungan inscription in 1296 as crown prince. Given that Raden Wijaya married Dara Petak in 1293, Jayanagara can certainly be said to have been very young when he was appointed as viceroy. Of course, his government was represented by Lembu Sora who is mentioned in the Pananggungan inscription as the prime minister of Daha.

From the inscription, it can also be seen that Jayanagara was his real name since childhood or Garbhopati, not a title or abhiseka. Meanwhile, the name Kalagemet introduced by Pararaton clearly has a mocking tone, because the name means "evil" and "weak", this is because Jayanagara's personality is filled with immoral behavior but weak as a ruler so that many rebellions arose during his reign.

 Jayanagara ascended the throne to become king of Majapahit replacing his father, who according to Nagarakretagama died in 1309.

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majapahit Majapahit.
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