Various Insurance Businesses - E-JOURNAL

There are several types of insurance businesses. According to Soeisno Djojosoedarso in his book Principles of Insurance Risk Management, the insurance business can be divided into several types and based on various aspects.
The types of insurance businesses include the following:
In terms of natureinsurance business can be distinguished:
- Social insurance or compulsory insurance, where to participate in the insurance there is an element of coercion or obligation for every citizen.
- Voluntary insurance, where in this insurance there is no coercion for anyone to become a member.
In terms of object typecan be distinguished:
- People insurance, where the object of insurance is human, such as life insurance, health insurance, old age insurance and so on
- Insurance for or loss insurance, where the object of the guarantee is the property or property of the insured, such as motor vehicle insurance, fire insurance, goods transport insurance and so on” (2003).
From the types of insurance above, it can be concluded that compulsory insurance is usually determined unilaterally, for example accident insurance is determined by PT. Jasa raharja, accident insurance for labor is determined by the insurance company and company management.
Voluntary insurance is dominated by the level of the will of the insured person or entity, prospective policy recipients can see transparently how far the benefits of the insurance are to their life or property. For example accident and fire insurance.
The difference between insurance in terms of its nature and in terms of its object is that insurance according to its nature can be seen from the subject (main thing), namely how insurance occurs theoretically and in reality, while the object type insurance is part of insurance according to its nature, namely the form of insurance that is a requirement in the policy. as well as premiums.