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How to Refuse an Insurance Agent ~ Insurance Academy

If you are in your 30s and over, surely you have been offered insurance products. I work for an insurance company and know very well the importance of insurance, but I very often turn down offers from people who offer life insurance to me, whether by telephone, telemarketing, whatsapp, or even home visits.

Not infrequently we have difficulty getting them to stop offering us these life insurance products. So, how do I refuse a life insurance agent?

Here are some ways that I can share.


Yes, if you haven’t studied life insurance products, then start now. We would all agree that we need insurance. However, we know very well how much we can afford to pay insurance premiums for each month or year. If you study, then you also know how much life insurance limits and benefits you may need.

After you know your needs and abilities, then you can do a little research about the best insurance products and the amount of premiums. You can ask your friends who have bought insurance. Also, you can ask insurance agents before they offer you insurance products.


If you know your financial capabilities and insurance needs, immediately have the life insurance that best suits you. Rest assured that your insurance limit is sufficient. You can also increase your insurance limit or benefits if your financial capacity increases.


Well, if you have studied and have insurance, then you can tell anyone who offers you that you already have the best and right insurance for you. Even if it’s your friend, this kind of rejection doesn’t make your friendship any less warm.

Keep it a secret

If your friend is persistent, then usually he will ask about the insurance you use and all kinds of benefits. I suggest you keep it a secret. Or, if necessary, you can invite your friends to send an offer brochure to email or whatsapp for you to study.

Insurance benefits may increase from year to year. However, if you’ve done your research and selected the insurance product you need, you don’t need to cancel the old insurance and buy a new one. You can also contact your insurance company to add new benefits to your policy. So, you don’t have to pay double insurance just because you don’t feel comfortable with your friends or acquaintances.

Those are my tips. To discuss, please fill in the chat field below.

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