Get to know Titanium Partner Fuse ~ Insurance Academy

Titanium Partner is an insurance company that cooperates specifically with Fuse on a term or condition. One of the conditions is exclusivity. This means that insurance companies that are members of titanium partners are not allowed to market their products on competitor platforms directly from Fuse. You can mention Qoala Plus and PasarPolis Partners because they have a similar business model to Fuse.
There are 6 (six) Titanium Partner Fuses, namely Mega Insurance, Intra Asia, Staco Mandiri, Artarindo, Simas Insurtech, and Etiqa Insurance Indonesia.
Mega Insurance
Mega Insurance (PT Asuransi Umum Mega) is a general insurance company owned by Mega Corpora. General Insurance which is part of CT Corp is quite popular among agencies with motor vehicle insurance products. Mega Insurance has an extensive network of workshops and good claim services.
Intra Asia Insurance
Intra Asia Insurance (Intra Asia Insurance) is one of the general insurance companies in Indonesia which was inaugurated in 1988. Since its establishment, the company has changed its name several times. Initially the company was named Asuransi Marannu Mario until 1996. This company is part of the Intra Asia Corpora group. Intra Asia is quite strong in the automotive insurance and engineering business.
Staco Mandiri Insurance
PT Asuransi Staco Mandiri was established on February 10, 1990. Until now, Staco Mandiri already has 12 (twelve) branch offices spread across Jakarta (Main Branch Office, Jakarta 2, Sharia Branch and Bekasi marketing office), Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Palembang and Balikpapan, as well as 3 (three) marketing offices namely Bekasi, Bali and Yogyakarta.
Artarindo Insurance
PT Asuransi Artarindo is a General Insurance Company owned by PT. Budiman Kencana Lestari and PT. Suryahusada Investment (50 percent each). The company, which is a sister company of Pluit Hospital and Husada Hospital, excels in health insurance products known as My Health.
Simas Insurtech Insurance
PT Asuransi Simas Insurtech (better known as Simasnet) is a company engaged in general insurance. Simasnet is a subsidiary of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas. The superior products offered by Simasnet are car insurance and various micro insurance products marketed through e-commerce and online travel agencies. For more details, you can read the profile by clicking this link.
Indonesia International Etiqa Insurance
Asuransi Etiqa Internasional Indonesia (Etiqa) is a general insurance company that was founded in 1992. The insurance, which was previously known as Asuransi Asoka, is a Malaysian JV company, namely Etiqa International Holdings Sdn Bhd (Maybank Group). Some of Etiqa’s superior products are motor vehicle, fire and transportation insurance.
In titanium partner, according to the information we compiled from various sources, the main product that was agreed upon was motor vehicle insurance. By establishing an exclusive partnership with Fuse, it is hoped that titanium partners will get a much higher premium than other insurance partners. (MarketRT)
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