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8 Ways To Overcome Heat In, Pay Attention To Liquid Intake

8 Ways To Overcome Heat In, Pay Attention To Liquid Intake

How to deal with heat during fasting needs to be applied as soon as possible so as not to cause other health problems. As is well known, heartburn can cause irritation to the throat, canker sores, chapped lips and digestive problems.

The heat during fasting is usually caused by consumption of food and drinks to an irregular lifestyle. Apart from lack of fluids and eating foods that are less nutritious, heartburn can also attack if you lack rest until you are lazy to exercise.

How to deal with heat during fasting is done by eating healthy foods and drinks. In addition, you of course also need to change your bad lifestyle so that health when fasting is maintained. Adequate sleep needs and light exercise regularly must be applied.

Following summarizes from various sources, about how to deal with heat during fasting.

Eat Vegetables and Fruits

The problem of heat in one of them is influenced by the intake of food that enters the body. Therefore, the first way to deal with heat during fasting is to eat vegetables and fruit.

Vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and also fiber are very beneficial for the body so as not to be attacked by heartburn. Therefore, setting a good diet when fasting is needed to avoid this one health problem.

Be diligent to eat vegetables when breaking the fast, and stay away from coconut milk or hot food, so that the heat in the body can heal completely.

Drinking water

How to deal with heat during the next fast is to consume water. This is related to the fluid needs that must be met during fasting. Moreover, the need for this liquid is a very important factor in overcoming internal heat.

Heat in itself does occur due to lack of consuming water to increase the production of fluids in the body. Usually people who are exposed to internal heat are people who consume too much hot food and are also sticky, and consume less fluids such as mineral water. This causes dehydration and eventually causes deep heat.

Expand to consume water when breaking the fast, at dawn, and also before bed. You can also consume ionic drinks that can provide more fluids in the body so as to avoid the heat illness during Ramadan fasting.

Gargle Salt Water

Salt water rinse can also be done as a way to cope with heat during fasting. Just like when you have a toothache, salt can also relieve heartburn in your body. This is because salt can help bind the fluid collected in the throat, and salt water can also help eradicate microbes that interfere with the throat.

The method is quite easy, prepare a glass of warm water and mix it with one teaspoon of salt. To treat a sore throat, gargle while looking up. Gargle for 20 to 30 seconds then drain, do not swallow.

Lemon water

How to deal with heat during the next fast is to use lemon water. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants in lemons will increase the amount of saliva production so that our throat will be maintained moisture. A lot of saliva can also kill bacteria in the mouth that cause canker sores and sore throats.

The method is quite easy, you only need to mix the lemon juice into one glass of water together with honey. Drink the potion regularly so that the heat inside can be treated properly. You can take it before bed or after breaking the fast.

Apple Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar can also be applied as a way to overcome the heat during fasting. Apple vinegar has long been a mixture of traditional medicine that can ward off bacterial diseases due to its acetic acid content.

How to consume it quite easily, mix 1 glass of warm water and 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar, then stir until evenly distributed. You can drink it at night, if you want to have a sweet taste, just add honey to the drink.

Eating Basil

The next way to deal with heartburn is by consuming basil. In basil there is a substance containing bascilin which plays a role in maintaining vitamin C in the body. Just like lemons, the vitamin C in basil can increase saliva production and can continue to provide moisture to the throat.

You can mix basil seeds in the drink you are going to drink. Mix one teaspoon of basil seeds into water containing a 240 ml glass. Then give sugar and stir until smooth, then drink. Eat regularly.


Cinnamon can also be one of the ingredients used as a way to cope with heat during fasting. The aroma in cinnamon contains antioxidants that are good for the body and can overcome internal heat.

You can mix cinnamon in drinks that will be drunk, like almond milk or something else. Drink regularly before bed, when breaking the fast, or at dawn to quickly relieve heatiness.

Get plenty of rest and exercise

In addition, you must set the time to sleep to adjust to the needs of this fasting month. Do not continue the habit of staying up late and try to take a nap during the day. By adjusting your sleep time, you can keep your satamina in good shape and save energy for activities during the day when fasting.

Sports also need to be done in this Ramadan. Exercising can keep the body fit and vibrant. As long as you do light sports like jogging or cycling. So by exercising you can avoid various health problems such as heartburn.
tips herbal
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