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7 Benefits of Winged Nutrition for Skin Health and Beauty

7 Benefits of Winged Nutrition for Skin Health and Beauty

Winged bean is one type of vines that are commonly found in various tropical countries. Almost all parts can be consumed, ranging from fruit, seeds, tubers, to the leaves.

In Indonesia itself, winged fruit is usually taken part of the fruit to be served as a vegetable. The leaves are also often boiled and cooked as a vegetable, ointment, or pecel mixture.

Apparently, vegetables that are also often known as winged beans have a myriad of health benefits, you know. Its nutritional content can improve the performance of organs and protect the skin.

The following have been coil summarized seven benefits of winged bean for health, including:

1. Prevents premature aging

Winged bean is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A which function as antioxidants. In addition, these two vitamins can prevent cell damage to the skin and help the formation of collagen.

Both can prevent symptoms of premature aging of the skin such as the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Maintain skin elasticity

High levels of antioxidants make winged bean very useful in protecting skin health.

Not only fade wrinkles and fine lines, vitamin C in it will also increase collagen production. That way, the skin will remain elastic and prevent it from sagging.

3. Boosts immunity

With high vitamin C and A content, winged bean can help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C acts as a shield, protecting the body from various diseases and infections.

4. Prevents anemia

Based on research in 2017 published in the Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, consumption of winged vegetables can improve blood circulation. Blood pressure becomes stable. In addition, winged bean can also prevent anemia if consumed regularly.

5. Improve eye health

A study titled Underutilized vegetable crops and their importance found that the content of thiamine in winged bean can prevent various problems related to vision - for example glaucoma and cataracts.

These compounds can increase muscle and nerve signals, which are very important in the relationship between the eye and brain.

6. Prevent constipation

Having a high fiber content, eating winged bean can reduce weight. He also plays an important role in launching digestion.

The fiber will push out excess 'stomach waste' and reduce bloating, thus preventing constipation.

7. Relieve asthma

Winged bean is rich in magnensium which can soothe the breathing muscles. Thus, breathing becomes smoother and more regular. Therefore, regular consumption of these vegetables is highly recommended for people with chronic asthma.
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